December 06, 2019
The art & science of baking:-bringing together a balanced quantity of various ingredients in a proper form.
When we mix or blend many dry ingredients, liquid & leavening together & expose the same to heat a variety of action combine as one unit. For example butter & sugar melts, egg coagulates, liquid makes steam, flour & starches starts swelling, baking powder, baking soda & yeast forms gases. The condition of the finished product is the result of the ingredients, which the baker combined. A baker should learn the performance of each ingredient used in the preparation of icing, toppings, creams & dough. It is important to pay attention & follow the direction of the formula step by step. Principle of baking involves formation & expansion of gases, trapping of gases in air cells, coagulation of protein, gelatinization of starches, evaporation of water, melting of shortenings & finally browning of the surface & crust formation.
Breads can be served at any temperature. Once baked it can subsequently be toasted. It can be eaten by itself or as a carrier for another. Breads may be topped with various spreads or serve as an enclosure for the sandwich.
Some famous breads around the world:
Baguette & Brioche from France, shirmal from Iran, Focaccia & Ciabatta from Italy, Pretzel & Pumpernickel from Germany, Kulcha & Naan from India.
Delhi which offers excellent Bakery courses. The Hotel School imparts training in the form of class room teaching along with regular practical classes & workshops. The institute has professional Bakery Chefs who gives demonstration on various bakery products. The students of The Hotel School get exposure on how to display various breads on buffet. All that is required to become a successful bakery chef is taken care of at The Hotel School. The students are trained in such a manner that they are easily employable in branded hotels.