Anshu Kapoor
22nd June 2017
Hotel is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest services. The World Travel and Tourism Council forecasts Indian tourism sector to grow at annual average growth rate of 7 per cent over the next ten years. As the tourism is growing in India the Hotel Industry is also growing very fast. A growing recognition of tourism contributes to employment and economic growth. The availability of better infrastructure, focused marketing and promotion efforts, liberalization of air transport, the growth of online travel portals, growing intra-regional cooperation and more effective Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) are seen as key drivers for tourism in the next decade and very rapid growth in the hotel industry.
There is a renewed focus on skill development in the travel and tourism sector The Hotel School which is one of the Best Hotel Management Colleges in Delhi impart specialized training in hospitality and catering.
Hospitality industry in India has generated tremendous employment opportunities and is a big source of foreign exchange for India. As per the planning commission the hospitality sector is responsible for more jobs per million rupee of investment than any other sector. The hospitality industry includes the sectors like Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, Bars, Cafés, and Nightclubs.
The hospitality industry in India is, very strong .When a guest arrives in a hotel, all care is taken by the management and the hotel staff to make the guest feel at home. The Hotel School which is one of the Best Hotel Management Colleges in Delhi offers verity of courses in Hospitality, Travel and Aviation.